Jason L. Gohlke: Bio

Jason in AlaskaJason L. Gohlke is a communications and design professional with a commitment to positive social change. Since April 2020, he has served as a Strategic Communications Specialist in the Office of Strategic Communication (formerly University Communications) at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, working primarily on behalf of the strategic partnerships and industry engagement units within University Relations. He also supports campus-level initiatives to provide resources to marketing and communications staff and works to publicize UW–Madison’s service to the state. In addition, as of December 2021, he is a member of the Academic Staff Assembly, the shared governance body that represents more than 10,000 UW–Madison employees. View Jason’s UW–Madison projects on jasongohlke.com.

Prior to returning to his alma mater, he was Communications Manager at Pacific Forest Trust, a non-profit policy organization and land trust in San Francisco. In just over two years there, he improved the organization’s digital engagement capacity and produced a steady stream of high-quality publications and online content.

In the months prior to the 2016 general election, he served as New Media Director at The Next Generation (TNG), an award-winning political consulting firm in Oakland, California. In the fast-paced campaign consulting environment at TNG, he worked on ten campaigns simultaneously, writing successful fundraising emails, conceptualizing, executing, and managing online advertising campaigns, and designing websites and printed materials.

For more than thirteen years, he was on the staff of the California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV), where he had a wide range of responsibilities in graphic design, technology, writing, editing, and project management. He also served as a General Partner for the Brainwash Drive-in/Bike-in/Walk-in Movie Festival from 2004-2011.

Prior to his 17 years in the San Francisco Bay Area, Jason was Web Designer for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. He also canvassed for the environment door to door in the Twin Cities, in temperatures ranging from 0° to 92°.

A native of Wisconsin, Jason graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with majors in Political Science and Art (with a concentration in Graphic Design). He is a fan of baseball, power pop, and travel. He now lives in Madison with his awesome wife Dawn and their delightful cat Marley.

Find out more and connect on linkedin.com.