Filed under Web & Interface Design Other websites Here is some older work that may be of interest. Here’s a microsite I developed along with my colleagues at CLCV in 2012. It was designed to be very simple and was an early professional foray into responsive design (which I coded from scratch). The site was originally designed to work with Salsa’s API; I set it up later to work with Luminate’s API and it was functional until CLCV discontinued using Luminate Online. Minnesota DNR web redesign 2001-02: In August 2000, I was hired as Web Designer for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR), a high-profile state agency with nearly 3,000 employees. I was hired as part of a new “web team” along with a content specialist and a web developer, and our mandate was to redesign the MNDNR website (which served a dizzying array of departments, from hunting and fishing licenses, to state park reservations, to ecological services). After consulting with a wide range of stakeholders both internal and external, we launched a completely rebuilt and redesigned website in the spring of 2002 that was used for six years. The site is basically intact on, and it holds up pretty well even after all this time. This was my quickly built 2012 portfolio that includes a few pieces that aren’t on this website, including my work for the Brainwash Movie Festival. The notable feature of this design is its responsiveness, which I built myself in CSS (in 2012, when responsive design was relatively new). Check it out on a phone and a tablet. This site was designed in 2005; at the time, it wasn’t out of the question to have a desktop monitor with 640×480 resolution. How times have changed. This portfolio includes some of my student work. If you can believe it still exists (thanks, Internet Archive!), the ARCH website was the first site I ever got paid to work on. (Optimized for 640×480 screens! Actual HTML frames that still work!) This was a team project with my colleague Jeff Stein (he designed the animated GIF and the “futuristic” ARCH logo). The comic-style logos went uncredited but they were drawn by the inestimable Dylan Graham (whatever happened to him, anyway?). I did the type—I was obsessed with Officina at the time.
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